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Sea Level Rise Adaptation Strategy for San Diego Bay

Management Practices Toolbox

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We worked with students at NewSchool of Architecture + Design to create a toolbox of options for managing sea level rise. Most of the options were “no-regret” approaches that could be implemented at relatively low cost, integrated into existing work programs, and have co-benefits for reaching other community goals. However, in the long run, no-regrets strategies will not be sufficient to ensure resiliency in the region’s coastal zone.


Generally, sea level rise management practices can be classified into four categories: hard defense, soft defense, accommodation, and withdrawal. Our toolbox illustrated specific practices in each of these categories through section diagrams and photographs. We also documented the opportunities and constraints of these four approaches.


ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability)



San Diego Foundation 



Megan Willis, with Steven Schroeder, Jason Offineer, and Thomas Ross of NewSchool of Architecture + Design

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